Vrei sa iti cresti traficul in site si sa iti promovezi eficient afacerea? Alege campanii de promovare Google AdWords:
Referinte Promovare Online:
Recomandam serviciile de optimizare SEO oferite de agentia de promovare WebPassion.ro. Cererile de oferta pe care le-am primit ca urmare a rezultatelor optimizarii SEO s-au triplat fata de luna precedenta. Dupa prima luna de colaborare, site-ul nostru era pe prima pagina Google pentru aprox. 20 cuvinte cheie relevante domeniului nostru de activitate. Acum, dupa aproximativ 6 luni de colaborare, rezultatele optimizarii SEO se imbunatatesc in continuu. In prezent, site-ul nostru apare pe prima pagina Google pentru 53 cuvinte cheie. Suntem extrem de multumiti si recomandam cu incredere serviciile de optimizare si promovare WebPassion.ro.
"It is my pleasure to recommend Georgiana not only because she`s very enthusiastic and a pleasure to work with, but also because she`s a complete online marketing professional. Georgiana has a wonderful personality and great communication skills. She has managed all online marketing activities for the company, from planning to budgeting, managing website redesign, branding and social media campaigns, implementing paid search marketing programs, consistently improving company`s site search rankings on Google, raising conversions while minimizing costs. I endorse and highly support Georgiana with any of her future endeavors."
Suntem clienti WebPassion.ro de peste 10 luni, ne bucuram si suntem foarte multumiti de aceasta colaborare. Beneficiem in fiecare luna de servicii integrate de marketing si promovare online. WebPassion.ro ne-a creat nu doar site-ul in limba romana, engleza si rusa, ci ne-a ajutat sa ne creem un brand in mediul online. Dupa crearea site-ului am optat pentru servicii de optimizare SEO, promovare Google Adwords, campanii de Facebook Ads si social media.
Georgiana is a high level digital marketing professional, a passionate marketer and a reliable business partner. Georgiana helped us create our website and has planned and implemented with success our entire online marketing strategy, starting from scratch. Her ability to execute quality website design, SEO and continuously provide efficient pay per click campaigns shows her dedication for each online project and knowledge of internet marketing and digital media.
Georgiana understands complex web design and advertising concepts and she is able to creatively present them in a simple, engaging manner. She is eager to remain in front of latest Google trends and she is interested to access and participate to online marketing industry events and trainings.
In relation with her customers, she is professional and an excellent listener, always seeking the common ground.
Beyond her role, Georgiana is ready to provide a helping hand to educate consumers regarding social media, online advertising, personal and professional branding wherever necessary. Therefore, it is my pleasure and I highly recommend Georgiana to any prospective customer or company searching for an efficient web marketing agency.
Ca urmare a campaniei de promovare Facebook, primim tot mai multe telefoane si cereri de oferta pentru serviciile noastre. Am hotarat sa facem angajari si sa lucram cu voi si pentru crearea site-ului, optimizare SEO si promovare pe Google. Mutumim!!
Georgiana, cred ca faci totul cu multa pasiune si daruire dupa cum se numeste si site-ul tau. Cred ca toate femeile antreprenor merita un plus de incurajare. Mult, mult succes in business!
“I am very pleased to write this recommendation. I've known Georgiana for almost two years now, while working at IBM in the Global Marketing Center. I must say she struck me from the beginning for being very open and easygoing. Good communication skills are one of the must-haves for a marketer, however being tech-savvy and handling cross brand activities on a daily basis are signs of a top contributor.Georgiana is bright, very responsible and has ownership of Social Media channels (she has been administering and staying top contributor for the IBM Global Marketing Center Romania Linkedin Group since its launching). Marketing is also a field where you need to keep pace with the newest trends and Georgiana has always been dedicated to learning, testing and sharing with her colleagues this knowledge. I would be very happy to get the chance to work with her again because I would be sure to have a great colleague and friend to count on."preluat din profilul de LinkedIn, recomandari Georgiana, Webpassion.ro
Va multumim frumos, apreciem foarte mult ceea ce faceti pentru noi. Mii de multumiri !!
"Georgiana a contribuit la crearea si dezvoltarea vizibilitatii brandului nostru pe internet: redesign site, SEO, Google AdWords, campanii de marketing si promovare online. Cateva cuvinte cheie pentru care a reusit sa aduca site-ul nostru pe prima pagina in Google, inca din 2010: mobila, mobila dormitor, mobila sufragerie, mobila online, mobila Bucuresti, saltele relaxa, pret saltele, pret mobila."
“Georgiana is very energetic and full of initiatives, she is always there when you need a helping hand. She supported our HR team with promoting our vacancies on the best social media channels, has been very active in administering our LinkedIn channel and representing us in the online space. She volunteered for these tasks and did them with a lot of dedication and passion, even though they were not part of her job. Thank you for your help, Georgiana and good luck in your next professional and personal projects!" preluat din profilul de LinkedIn, recomandari Georgiana, Webpassion.ro
"I've been working with Georgiana for one year, and found her to be a very digital-minded person - interested in the new developments in the market, looking at end-results of the online marketing campaigns which she was involved in, coming up with recommendations and suggestions to improve their outcome. I especially liked her autonomy on the job - apart from the daily "must-do" activities, Georgiana managed a few projects on her own, including managing on a frequent basis a community page, for which she received little guidance if any. Georgiana is determined to continue learning and developing her professional skills and her work style, which makes her a great person to have in any team."preluat din profilul de LinkedIn, recomandari Georgiana, Webpassion.ro
“Am avut placerea sa o recrutez si sa lucrez indeaproape cu Georgiana timp de un an si jumatate. Georgiana este pozitiva, ambitioasa, un specialist motivat de obtinerea de rezultate in marketingul online. Georgiana detine abilitati foarte bune in mai multe discipline ale marketingului online si in mod special in domeniul Search Engine Marketing, optimizare pentru motoarele de cautare. Aici sunt incluse atat tehnicile de optimizare SEO pentru obtinerea de rezultate organice in Google, cat si tehnici de promovare cu plata per click, Google AdWords. De asemenea, generarea de lead-uri si gestionarea retelelor de social media sunt alte abilitati importante pe care le poseda. In plus, Georgiana este o persoana analitica si a avut un rol cheie in raportarea si analiza performantei activitatilor de marketing online. Este tipul de persoana care vine mereu in ajutor si a fost un membru important al echipei de marketing. Daca adaugam in lista si personalitatea frumoasa pe care o are, pot sa o recomand cu incredere pe Georgiana oricarei organizatii care este in cautarea unui specialist in marketing online dedicat. ” preluat si tradus din profilul de LinkedIn, recomandari Georgiana, Webpassion.ro
...dupa setarea si optimizarea campaniilor AdWords, aproape ca nu mai facem fata.... Mai avem putin si dormim la birou. Faceti o super treaba!! Multumesc!
Mersi mult. Este super. Campania de promovare Google AdWords converteste SUPER BINE! Mersi mult.
Am fost sceptici legat de investitia in promovarea Google AdWords deoarece am lucrat cu alte agentii de promovare inainte si nu am obtinut rezultatele dorite cu aceasta metoda de promovare. Georgiana ne-a convins sa creem o campanie de promovare Google AdWords. Datorita rezultatelor foarte bune pe care le-am obtinut in scurt timp, am dublat bugetul de promovare si am optat ulterior si pentru campanii Facebook Ads. In prezent, costurile per click obtinute de WebPassion.ro in campaniile de promovare sunt foarte mici, iar rezultatele din promovarea online (traduse in cereri de oferta primite pe email, telefon, social media) sunt foarte bune, ceea ce ne-a ajutat sa ne extindem afacerea.
I am impressed! This website is way better then what I had. Site information is much better structured and well presented, plus this site is mobile responsive. Thank you!
Georgiana, ne cunosti din ce in ce mai bine domeniul de activitate...felicitari pt articolul creat si rezultate!
Am urmarit raportul campaniei de promovare luna trecuta. Rezultatele promovarii Google sunt foarte bune. Telefonul a sunat aproape in fiecare zi si s-au facut programari. Ma bucur sa continuam colaborarea.
O recomandam cu incredere pe Georgiana, www.webpassion.ro, atat pentru realizare site nou, cat si pentru servicii de optimizare SEO. Acum primim nu doar mai mult trafic in site, cat si programari la salon si comenzi online de vouchere. Site-ul nostru a ajuns rapid in prima pagina Google pentru cuvinte cheie precum: salon machiaj, machiaj profesional Bucuresti, masaj profesional, spa masaj profesional, voucher beauty spa, voucher spa, salon spa pensat, criolipoliza, criolipoliza Bucuresti. Georgiana a realizat mai mult decat un site, ne-a ajutat sa construim o strategie de promovare online, ne-a consiliat in legatura cu lansarea si unui program de vouchere spa cu posibilitatea de comanda online. Chiar si acum, la cateva luni dupa lansarea noului site, primim complimente din partea clientilor si colaboratorilor nostri pentru webdesign.
Apelam la serviciile de promovare Google AdWords oferite de WebPassion.ro de peste 10 luni. Am mai colaborat si cu alte agentii de promovare inainte, insa nici una nu ne-a adus rezultatele excelente pe care Georgiana a reusit sa ni le aduca. In fiecare zi primim noi cereri de oferta si suntem contactati de persoane interesate de serviciile noastre. Ne declaram clienti foarte multumiti de serviciile de promovare WebPassion.ro si recomandam cu incredere. Promovare de calitate la preturi accesibile. Multumim mult si succes in continuare!
What Does Your Online Brand Says About You?
What Differentiates Your Company? Use your website to transform your marketing message into tangible results. At WebPassion.ro we`re helping you create and improve your online brand and results on the internet. We are offering web marketing & analytics consulting and online advertising services. We create Wordpress business websites and manage search engine optimization (SEO), social media and Google AdWords advertising. If you're looking for a website that not only looks great, but is also fast, secure, mobile responsive and SEO-friendly, need help for building your online presence check out my services.